on 26th April 2023
IAC represented the counseling profession at a UNESCO meeting of partner
organizations on 17 April to discuss ways to advance ongoing collaborative
efforts. In honor of World Press Freedom Day, the meeting focused on freedom
of expression. IAC Secretary...
on 25th April 2023
IAC was invited to send a representative to participate in a World Health
Organization (WHO) training in Tunisia March 14-17. The training introduced
EQUIP, a new mental health product that WHO is promoting to continue
advancing the application of basic ...
on 21st March 2023
LivingWorks and the International Association for Counselling (IAC) are
pleased to announce their partnership in promoting suicide prevention on an
international scale. LivingWorks is the leading provider of suicide
prevention training programs, including ...
on 07th March 2023
On February 24, the International Association for Counselling Executive
Council unanimously approved its Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles
for Professional Counsellors, written by IAC President Bill Borgen and IAC
Secretary Nathan Perron.IAC ...