****EVENT ENDED*** See Webinar Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsdQkZCUhXk
IAC Webinar Series Presents: Talking about Feelings – a Tribute to Otto Rank, Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir in Times of Covid-19
Presenter: Dr. Dirk Rohr
***Please check the corresponding time in your country carefully***
Cost: Free for IAC Members (see IAC Membership)
How to Join the webinar: IAC Members: Web-link to: https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/j/98293970146?pwd=aWNlSWt2QUlSTHBZUTVIM25qSzZVQT09
Meeting-ID: 982 9397 0146
Meeting Code: 669024
Non-members: You are asked to consider contributing €10 (Euros) to support the IAC aims and event. This can be done HERE
Enjoy the webinar!
Webinar Description: This webinar is a passionate and scientific plea for emotion focused counselling which seems especially important during these times of Covid-19. In my supervision groups and in my own practice of counselling I recognize a fear of talking about feelings via video technology. Counselling is getting more solution-oriented and more technical. First, the presentation is about ‘talking about feelings’ (the client’s and ours) in counselling – is the tribute to Otto Rank, Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir. It hopes to serve as a reminder of their substantial contributions to counselling. I will speak about my understanding of „I and Thou ¬– Here and Now“ and about sharing the raw, honest, thoughts and feelings about what's happening in the moment. Let’s get in touch with each other, even in physical distance, but not in social distance.
Dirk Rohr: Since 2009 Dr. Dirk Rohr is the Academic Director of the ‘Centre for Advanced Teaching and Learning’ and also of the ‘Counselling Research Group’ at the University of Cologne, Germany. He was appointed Professor for communication at the University of Oldenburg in 2004. In 2006 he was Invited Scientist at Harvard University. Furthermore, he is the founder and director of a private certified training institute for counselling in Cologne and an author and publisher of 11 books concerning counselling, teaching and learning. He joined the IAC Executive Council in May 2019. Dirk is a member of the International Advisory Board of the "Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Journal - Linking research with practice".
Since April 2019 he is the President of the European Association for Counselling (EAC). The EAC will collaborate with the IAC on the IAC’s ‘World Mapping of the Counselling Profession’ project. This project has endorsement from the World Health Organization (WHO) and major Counselling and Psychotherapy organizations worldwide.
Webinar Format: The webinar will last approximately 50 minutes. The first half hour will be a presentation (mostly slides on screen) followed by 20 minutes of Questions and Answers.
Joining Instructions: IAC members can join by clicking the following web link: https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/j/98293970146?pwd=aWNlSWt2QUlSTHBZUTVIM25qSzZVQT09.
Please note that will need to have computer speakers, and your volume turned up, during the webinar to be able to hear the presentation. Please mute your microphone throughout, unless asking a question. To ask questions during the session, please place the request to the facilitator in the side ‘chat’ bar. This will be explained further on the day.