IAC /Taylor's Trauma Counselling Symposium -- 6th August 2021

Welcome to the International Symposium On Trauma 


Zoom Joining Link HERE: (Please register before Joining):  https://taylors-edu-my.zoom.us/j/99488572962?pwd=OEVrYjNJMW1kcDczeFkyMmgvOGVmQT09

This 3-hour event is hosted by the International Association for Counselling, Taylor's University and the International Counseling Association of Malaysia (PERKAMA INTERNATIONAL). The details of the symposium are as follows:

Date: Friday the 6th August 2021
21:30 -- 12:30am (6--7th Aug) Kuala Lumpur (GMT+8) time.
06:30 -- 09:30am (6th Aug) Vancouver (PDT) time
09:30 -- 12:30pm (6th Aug) New York (EDT) time
14:30 -- 17:30pm (6th Aug) London (GMT+1) time
16:30 -- 19:30pm (6th Aug) Nairobi (EAT) time

This event is FREE for members of the International Association for Counselling (IAC) and Perkama International members and for thsoe from countries with low-income economies. It costs €40 (euros) for non-members. To join IAC as a member please visit https://www.iac-irtac.org/?q=membership.
Our main speakers are Dr. Anasuya Jegathevi Jegathesan, Dr. Marla Buchanan, and Dr. Marvin Westwood with David Savill, Dr. Richard La Fleur, Dr Jürgen Müller-Hohagen and Dr. Grant Charles.
Continuing Education (CE) / Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Information: This educational activity has been approved by the International Association for Counselling (IAC) Continuing Education Committee. Participants who complete all parts of the activity qualify for three (3) IAC Continuing Education (CE) / Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Unit hours.

We hope you enjoy the event!