IAC welcomes Ethan Weston as our new IAC Regions and Roundtables Coordinator. Ethan comes on part-time secondment from the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA), where he serves as a project coordinator. Ethan's work will engage counselling associations worldwide by bringing association leaders and officials together in each of the six IAC regions to help advance the profession. This work supports unified region-wide initiatives in the areas of Advocacy (for better recognition of counselling); Standards, Education and Practice; Partnership; Policy Development; and Research.
After graduating from Algonquin College with a specialty in Business Fundamentals, Ethan jointed CCPA as in administrator in the continuing education department. He went on to serve in various roles for CCPA's accrediting body, the Council on Accreditation of Counsellor Education Programs (CACEP), as well as in CCPA's Membership and Accounting Division.
CCPA is generously sponsoring Ethan's IAC work for two days per week for the next two years. If your national association would like to consider a similar placement/secondment of a staff member to IAC, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact ceo@iac-irtac.org.