IAC Europe News: Advocacy for Counselling -- Meeting the President of the European Parliament.
A meeting has been confirmed with the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, in Brussels, in April 2023.
As part of the important push for better recognition of the counselling profession in the European region, IAC Europe is embarking on renewed advocacy efforts. This activity sees IAC representatives meet with leaders of European institutions, intergovernmental bodies, government representatives, and other stakeholders. A region-wide strategy for IAC Europe is being developed and will identify best practice for advocacy policy and promotion. The associations participating in IAC Europe have an excellent opportunity to learn from each other.
The counselling profession also has much to learn from kindred professions that have successfully advocated for their professions (e.g. social work, mental health nursing, psychology). All research shows that advocacy is always more effective when associations -- with the same agendas and priorities -- collaborate rather than work individually. Active engagement with, and input to, European mental health and social policy will have a positive impact on the counselling profession. Being successful in regional public policy arenas, means associations being aware of current issues at both national and regional levels and knowing how to advocate effectively on issues that affect counsellors.
The meeting with President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, is a significant high-level advocacy development and will be reported on in detail. A clear pathway for the formal recognition of the counselling profession in Europe needs to be identified.